Hello All,

My question involves license upgrades for EN60950.  I have an ITE product that 
was tested and approved to 60950 1988.
TUV notified me in April, 1996 that, as of Jan 1st 1996,  my product license 
was no longer valid and that I would have to update to EN60950 A2 1993 
(minimum).  The gating factor here turns out to be the third party power supply 
which meets EN60950 A2, 1991.  There would be an additional cost (payable to 
TUV of course) involved to upgrade the  power supply license not to mention any 
redesign.   I'd rather not go through this if it's not necessary.

I have a chart which explains the transition periods for EN60950.  This chart 
comes from TUV.  The way I am reading it, it tells me that for products 
certified before March 1 1995,  EN60950  A2 1991 is good until 3/1/2000.

Is my interpretation correct??     or is EN 60950 A2 1993 the minimum 
acceptable version for existing ITE products?

As always, all related view points are appreciated.

George Sparacino

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