I received this useful source of information from my
IBM collegue in Mexico, and think it's up to date,
detailed and close to the origin.

 Subject: NOM information

 - NOM is required for all ITE equipment that connects to mains.
 - UL, CSA, CE, etc. are not valid in Mexico, the national product safety
   standard is NOM-019
 - NOM-019 has to be obtained in Mexico only.
 - A company can make arrangements to get NOM approval by an agency
   in Mexico
   I know UL can assit.
 - Afirmatively, NOM-019 is based on UL478 and not on IEC 950/UL 1950
 - Any ITE equipment that is going to be sold in Mexico has to comply with
   NOM-109, otherise you will not be able to pass the product to Mexico
   and the product can be confiscated at customs.
 - The NOM certificate will expire at year, so each year the product
   (if still
   sold in Mexico), has to be re-certified.
 - The product has to be tested in an approved Mexican lab. (in Mexico).
 - Yes, the certificate must reside with a Mexican entity (i.e. importer,
   distributor, etc.)
 - A lot of efforts have been done to review IEC 950 Mexican version by
   Government offices, but so far there are no results.

   Mexico NOM Requirements

   Attached are the legal requirements for products that are provided for
   retail distribution in Mexico.

   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

   The Government of Mexico has issued several regulations related to
   consumer protection.  Most of these regulations require compliance to
   Mexican national standards called Normas Oficiales Mexicanas or NOMs.
   There are three key NOMs that affect packages, containers, and

    - NOM-024: Commercial Information for Electronic, Electrical, and
               Home Electronic Products

    - NOM-035: Off-site sales Commercial Information (telemarketing)

    - NOM-050: Commercial Information (for general products)

   Companies manufacturing or importing products into Mexico must follow
   these NOMs if they want to avoid penalties and fines issued by the

   Mexican government's Consumer Protection Agency.  Inspections may occur
   during retail operations.  Also, Mexican customs officers may inspect
   shipments at ports of entry, to verify NOM requirements are met.


   NOM-024: This standard covers electronic equipment. It includes
   requirements for three key areas.....

        1) Commercial Information
        2) Instructions and Warnings
        3) Warranties

   All electronic products imported into Mexico must have the following
   printed on the packaging (or printed on a label which is adhered to the
   packaging) in Spanish language:

       a) Name of the product
       b) Name and address of the importer
       c) Name and country of the exporter (with address optional)
       d) Marking that identifies the country of origin of the product
       e) Certification that the product conforms to the standard

          - This may be met with a NOM logo followed by Company's
            number, which is asigned by people in charge of NOM.

                  ON THE EXTERNAL PACKAGING.

       f) Nominal electrical characteristics such as power requirements,
          current, voltage, and frequency.

                LABEL SAMPLE
            I    IMPRESORA LASER    IBM TIPO 4019 MODELO E01 I
            I    IMPORTADA POR:     IBM DE MEXICO, S.A.      I
            I                       MARIANO ESCOBEDO 595     I
            I                       COL. POLANCO CHAPULTEPEC I
            I                       11560 MEXICO, D.F.       I
            I                       MEXICO                   I
            I                       TELEFONO 327-5000        I
            I    EXPORTADA POR:     IBM DE ARGENTINA, S.A.   I
            I                       MARTINEZ, ARGENTINA      I
            I    FABRICADA EN:      REPUBLICA ARGENTINA      I
            I                                                I
            I                       ---                      I
            I                       NOM-018                  I
            I                       ---                      I
            I                                                I
            I    CORRIENTE DE CONSUMO ___XX__AMPERES         I
            I    FRECUENCIA DE OPERACION_XX__HERTZ           I
            I    TENSION DE ALIMENTACION_XX__VOLTS           I

   The above information should be printed on the packaging that is
   for sale to a consumer.  This information is not required on shipping

   containers, unless the shipping container is also the container
   that the
   product is sold in. The information should be in Spanish language and
   in legible and understandable terms.

    Note: IBM Mexico Government Relations advises that the above
          requirements do not apply to field replacement parts. They also
          advise that the "NOM" logo should not be used unless the
          product and package contents meet the requirements of all
          applicable NOMs.  For example, NOM-019 requires product safety
          testing; putting the "NOM-XXX" logo on the package implies the
          product has been successfully tested to NOM-019.
          (XXX = control number asigned to company)

   The other portions of NOM-024 deal with instructions for use, warnings,
   and warranties, as follows:

        a) Name of the product
        b) Name, address and phone of the importer
        c) Trade Mark, Machine Type and Model number
        d) Be printed in a way that invites to read it
        e) Warnings for final consumer
        f) Instructions for proper use, AC connection, supply voltage,
           frequency rate and power consumption.
           SAMPLE: Power consumption: XX Amperes
                   Frequency rate:    XX Hertz
                   Supply voltage:    XX Volts

   If any of this information is placed on the package or container, then
   it should be printed in Spanish.  This information is required to be
   marked on the product or included as documentation shipped with the
   product and must be written in Spanish.

   NOM-035: This standard applies to all kind of products sales out of
   like telemarketing; its labelling requirements are identical to

   NOM-050: This standard applies to most other products (other than
   electrical products).  The package labelling requirements are identical
   to NOM-024, except electrical power requirements are not required.

   = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

   The following is a summary translation of the Official Mexican

   OFFICIAL MEXICAN STANDARD NOM-024-SCFI-1993: Commercial information -
   electronic, electrical, and home electronic appliances - instructions
   and guarantees for products manufactured nationally and imported.

   Introduction:  The federal government has responsibility to define
                  the measures necessary to guarantee that the products
                  and services that are marketed in national territory
                  display/exhibit the necessary commercial information,
                  so that the consumers and users can make adequate
                  decisions about the purchase and use of products and

                  so that they can fully enjoy the products and services
                  they acquire.

                  Federal law on metrology and standardization establishes
                  the NOMs as suitable instruments for the execution of
                  the above objectives. Refer to the Diario Oficial of
                  February 27, 1990.

   1. Objective and Field of Application

   This standard (NOM) has a goal to establish the commercial information
   (instructions, warnings, and guarantee criteria) that importing and
   national manufacturers of electrical, electronic, and home electronic
   products destined for the consumer must have when marketed in national
   territory (as defined in the Federal Law of Consumer Protection).

   Components and parts for electrical and home electronic products
   that are sold in bulk do not require the instructions referred to in
   this standard, but they do require the warnings, if they are hazardous

   2. References

   This standard is complemented with NOM-008-SCFI, General System for
   Units of Measure.

   3. Definitions

   3.1 Electrical products - Products made from components the use
   electromagnetic energy to fulfill a given function.

   3.2 Electronic products - Devices in which electrical current is
   mainly with electron displacement in a gas vacuum or in a

   3.3 Home Electronic Products - Products that require electrical energy
   for operation and used for home entertainment and welfare.

   3.4 Packaging - The means thru which damage protection is provided to
   products during transportation and handling.

   3.5 Guarantee - The document thru which the manufacturer and/or
   is committed to support the product against any defect (material or
   workmanship) thru a given time.

   3.6 Instructions - The instructions or directions for the use of the
   product by the final user.

   4. Classification

   Electrical products are classified as hazardous products by the
   product's design and by hazardous associated with the use of the

   4.1 Hazardous by design;

       a) Those that will produce an electrical shock.

       b) Those whose function will be to reach a temperature greater
          than 60 degrees C (140 F) in the accessible parts.

       c) Those which contain accessible parts that are sharp and can
          puncture or cut.

       d) Those that emit radiation.

   4.2 Hazardous by use;

       a) Those susceptible of transmitting energy that could affect the
          health or safety of persons or the safety of their goods.

       b) Those that emit radiation.

       c) Those that contain corrosives or produce toxic substances.

       d) Those which contain parts whose movement could cause lesions
          or material damages.

       e) Those which could cause implosion or explosion.

       f) Those which have accessible parts that could reach temperatures
          greater than 60 degrees C (140 F), but not by design.

   5. Commercial Information

   5.1 Nationally manufactured products - Nationally manufactured products
   should have the following data printed on the packaging:

       a) Name of the product, unless it is obvious.

       b) Name and address of the manufacturer.

       c) Marking that identifies that the product was made in Mexico.

       d) Certification that the product conforms to the standard.

       e) Nominal electrical characteristics (power requirements) such as
          current, voltage, and frequency.

   5.2 Imported products - Imported products should have the following
   data printed on the packaging (or printed on a label which is adhered
   to the packaging):

       a) Name of the product, unless it is obvious.

       b) Name and address of the importer.

       b) Name and country of the exporter (with address optional).

       c) Marking that identifies the country of origin of the product.

       d) Certification that the product conforms to the standard.

       e) Nominal electrical characteristics (power requirements) such as
          current, voltage, and frequency.

   Note: This requirement must be applicable at the start of the product's


   6. Instructions and Warnings

   6.1 Requirements - Electrical, electronic, and home electronic products
   must be accompanied (without additional charges/cost) by instructions
   and necessary warnings, in which are contained clear indications and
   specifications for normal use, conservation and better utilization,
   as well as warnings for the reliable and sure managing of the same.

   (Personal note: The interpretation for the above is to include manuals
   and technical publications and references shipped with products.
   These must be written in Spanish language.)

   6.1.1 The content of the instructions should also contain the
   following (from the start of marketing or offering for sale):

       a) Name, address, and telephone of the national manufacturer or

       b) Brand and model.

       c) Marking that encourages the reading of the instructions/warnings.

       d) Cautions for the user.

       e) Directions for connecting the product for adequate operation,
          when applicable.

       f) Technical information about the electrical power requirements
          and operating levels.

   6.2 Hazardous products - The importer or national manufacturer of
   hazardous products or of products that could present dangerous
   conditions have the obligation of providing the necessary warnings for
   the reliable and sure managing of the same.

   6.3 Placement - The warnings will be fixed in an ostensible and clear
   form through labels, transfers, or adherable markings, unless because
   of the size or for some other reason that makes it impossible, will be
   indicated on the containers, instructions, wrappers or respective

   6.4 Characteristics - The instructions and warnings should be written
   in Spanish language and in legible and understandable terms.  When
   the indications refer to units of measure, these should correspond to

   6.5 Installation

   6.5.1 - When the products do not present danger for the user,
   according to the characteristics established in section 4, but the
   danger could depend on the right installation of the product, the
   instructions should include information necessary for proper
   installation and when required, the instructions should state that
   installation should be done by a person qualified with the necessary
   technical knowledge.

   6.5.2 - When products are used exclusively for industrial or commercial
   purposes and when the products installation or services are performed

   exclusively by people with the necessary technical knowledge, the
   instructions for installation, use, and maintenance should be written
   in technical terms and when necessary, be accompanied by corresponding

   7. Guarantees.

   The guarantees that the suppliers offer should be in terms established
   in the Federal Law of Protection to the Consumer and comply with the

   7.1 Requirements

   7.1.1 - The guarantee policies should be printed in typographical
   characters and in Spanish language and contain at least the
   following minimal data:

     a) Name and address of the national manufacturer or importer.

     b) Identification of the product.

     c) Name and address of the establishment in the Mexican Republic
        where the product was acquired and where the guarantee could be
        made effective.

     d) Place where consumers obtain replacement parts.

     e) Duration of the guarantee...not less than 3 months for electronic
        and electrical products...not less than 1 year for home

     f) Concepts that covers the guarantee and limitations or exceptions
        that exist.

     g) Procedure to make the guarantee effective.

   7.1.2 - The guarantee policies will have to specify the date in
   which the consumer obtained the product or when the necessary
   training and installation has been completed; and the date which
   the product remained operating normally after its installation in
   the consumer's domicile.

   7.2 Content - The guarantee will have to shelter all the pieces and
   components of the product, and will include labor.  Consequently,
   the importer or national manufacturer will be obligated to replace
   any piece or defective component without additional cost for the
   consumer.   Said guarantees will include transportation expenses that
   derive from its fulfillment, within its service network.

   7.3 Exceptions - The importer or national manufacturer of the products
   only are excepted from the requirements of this standard when.....

   a) The product may have been used in conditions different to the norm.

   b) The product might not have been operated according to the
      for use which accompanied the product.

   c) The product might have been altered or repaired by persons not

      authorized by the national manufacturer or importer.

   The exceptions to the fact that are referred to in this article will
   have to remain clearly indicated in the corresponding guarantee policy.
   Otherwise, the importer or national manufacturer will not remain freed
   of the obligation of making the guarantee effective, without prejudice
   of established in points a, b, and c above.

 Regards, Rene

 TEL (52) (3) 669-7493 & 669-7000        FAX (52) (3) 669-7048

Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best regards, V. Gasse
INTERNET:  ga...@de.ibm.com

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