For Information Technology Equipment and Telecommunications 
Equipment, the responsible standards organization in Mexico is 
NYCE (Normalizacion y Certificacion Electronica).

The VP in charge of Certification is Victor-Hugo Perez-Salinas,
the operating manager is Julio Nunez.  Victor-Hugo is ex-Motorola,
Julio is ex Alcatel.  Both speak fluent English.  They can be reached

011-525-687-3932, 687-3852, 536-3378, 543-3639, 536-3408 or
fax at 543-4070.

The Mexican high-tech industry would like to switch to IEC-950 and
Mexican representatives now participate in the work of IEC TC74.
However, under Mexican law, if they switch to IEC-950, that is the
only standard they can use.  That would play havoc with Mexican 
pencil sharpener manufacturers, etc., etc.  Hence they are looking
for a way to accomodate that concern.

In addition, Mexico, and many other 3rd world countries, do not 
have an infrastructure that allows them to have many laboratories 
that are equipped to measure to high-tech standards.  They can not
promolgate standards that no Mexican laboratory can test to.  Hence,
they will have to earn the money to pay for that expertise, in their 
country, by any and all means.  It is unacceptable that stuff would
be tested by foreign laboratories to Mexican requirements, because
Mexico can't do it.

I estimate that they will need about $ 300 M in regulatory revenue
on high tech equipment, to do that.  We are going to pay that money,
one way or the other.   (SWAG=Scientific Wild Arsed Guess).



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