I hate to disagree with my customers BUT:

In Canada and the USA, the CSA certification and UL listing do NOT
constitute "APPROVAL".

The Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs), for our purposes the
electrical inspection authorities in the States or Provinces do
the approving.

They normally do that by observing whether or not the equipment carries
the mark of an accredited certification or listing agency.  If they
see that mark, they approve and stop their investigation there.

If they don't see that mark, they may choose to investigate the
product themselves, or, they may instruct the manufacturer to go
and get it tested in a place of their liking.  They will than 
approve or disapprove on the basis of that investigation.

The certification organizations are NOT in the business of 
"approving" equipment, they are in the business of certifying that 
the equipment meets specific requirements.

An electrical inspector is responsible for determining whether an
installation should be approved.  I believe you could sue the pants
of him if he did NOT approve, because the equipment does not carry
his preferred mark.  However, if the equipment does NOT carry that 
mark, he is not going to approve before he has received assurances
in one way or another that the equipment meets the applicable
requirements.  He usually is ill-equipped to do that verification



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