>From everything relaible I have heard postponed enforcement of EMC Directive
is only on many wish lists, not more than that. 

Mike or Ron,

Please call Dave Imeson, EMC Manager, IBM UK Ltd., Chairman of
Association of EU Competent Bodies, tel: +44 1962 818-097 and post his
interpretations on pstc.

Mirko Matejic         email: mmate...@foxboro.com
The Foxboro Company   tel: (508) 549-3185
From: ron_well...@hp-paloalto-om4.om.hp.com
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 96 11:46:24 -0700
Subject: Re: EU 12-month "administrative tolerance"
To: owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org, r...@ms1.hinet.net
Cc: emc-p...@ieee.org, m_sher...@delphi.com

     Hello Mike,
     From what I have heard, this applies only to the clearance of stocked 
     products that were in the EU before January 1, 1996. However, this 
     relaxation is not being accepted by all EU Member States. The UK might 
     be one Member State that is allowing this. Regardless, products coming 
     into the EU after January 1, 1996 are not subject to any relaxation 
     from the EMC Directive.
     Ron Wellman
     |Ronald R. Wellman              |Corporate Quality Department|
     |Hewlett-Packard Company        |External Product Regulations|
     |Product Processes Organization |Voice : 415-857-6059        |
     |1501 Page Mill Road, MS 5UL    |FAX   : 415-857-6340        |
     |Palo Alto, California 94304 USA|E-Mail: well...@corp.hp.com |
     | "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by  |
     |  age eighteen." - Albert Einstein                          |
 ______________________________ Reply Separator_____________________________
 Subject: Re: EU 12-month "administrative tolerance"
 Author:  Non-HP-owner-emc-pstc (owner-emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org) at 
 Date:    4/25/96 5:10 AM
 On Wed, 24 Apr 1996 m_sher...@delphi.com wrote:
 > Just read an article from the 4 April 1996 issue of the
 > (London?) Financial Times that quotes a Dave Imeson, identified 
 > as EMC manager of IBM UK services, as saying that there has
 > been an agreement among the EU member states to have a 12-month 
 > period of "administrative tolerance" re the EMC directive.
 maybe rather administrative delay due to lack of experience and 
testing facilities, but you should not count on a fixed period of 12 month
> Anybody know what Dave might be referring to? 
> Mike Sherman
> Product Safety Engineer
> FSI International
> m_sher...@delphi.com  

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