Hello Mike,
     If you can imagine the magnitude of the job of actually enforcing the 
     EMC directive and  handing out penalties it must be enormous.  
     Therefore, the EU member states have undoubtedly decided to allow us 
     manufacturers a "grace period" in which they will be enforcing the 
     directive but with a soft hand.  This is there way of saying "We have 
     no idea where to begin on enforcement proceedings or what rules apply 
     to what products; therefore, lets take the first twelve months to 
     figure the whole thing out."
     Just my thoughts - not really based in any fact.
     Ron Fotino

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: EU 12-month "administrative tolerance"
Author:  m_sher...@delphi.com at !INTERNET
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date:    4/24/96 9:11 PM

Just read an article from the 4 April 1996 issue of the 
(London?) Financial Times that quotes a Dave Imeson, identified 
as EMC manager of IBM UK services, as saying that there has 
been an agreement among the EU member states to have a 12-month 
period of "administrative tolerance" re the EMC directive.
Anybody know what Dave might be referring to?
Mike Sherman
Product Safety Engineer
FSI International

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