Here is an improvement to my previous reply.

Ammendment 3  of EN60950 states in clause "Where safety is
involved, colours of controls and indicators shall comply with IEC73.
Where colours are used for functional controls and indicators, any
colour, including red, is permitted provided that it is clear that
safety is not involved."

The forward to the A3 revision indicates that products that complied
with A2 before 1997 may continue in production until 2002. Therefore, If
you have declared compliance with A3, then you must comply with color
requirements of clause  However, if you declared compliance
with A2, then you must comply with the wording of the clause in that
revision (I don't know what it said) and you may continue to use that
revision until 2002.

Of course, in the end, the customer gets what he wants regardless of
what the standards say.
To: Terry; ''
Cc: Zald; Tschantz
Subject: RE: Color-Coded Function Keys
Date: Tuesday, July 08, 1997 8:52AM

The best thing to do is to ask the customer to to quote the particular
standard. You never know what they have come up with. Once you know
their reference point, you can discuss it rationally.
From: Terry
To: ''
Cc: Zald; Tschantz
Subject: Color-Coded Function Keys
Date: Monday, July 07, 1997 3:38PM

We have an ITE product that has the CE Mark and currently meets the
requirements of the EMC Directive.  This is a low-power 24 VDC input
device with some membrane function keys on it.

We have a customer insisting that the CE requirements require these
function keys to be "grey".  Ours are "blue".

I am not aware of any requirement of this nature in any of the EMC
directive standards or the LVD directive standards.  Can anyone offer
any insight into why this potential customer would be indiciating this?

Thanks in advance for your time and attention in this matter!

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know!

Robert L. Terry
Nematron Corporation
313 994 0591 Ext 235
313 994 8408 Fax

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