Have you any information as to the results of this inspection??

> brian_mcauliffe_at_irela...@pcmail.tellabs.com[SMTP:Brian_McAuliffe_at_irela
>Sent:  Sunday, February 23, 1997 9:06 PM
>To:    emc-p...@mail.ieee.org; Brian Kunde
>Subject:       Re: Penalty for Non-Compliance
>     One statistic:
>     "In Germany alone during 1996 authorities planned to inspect 8000 
>     products (over 150 per week) in relation to compliance with EMC 
>     Directive."
>     I have not heard the outcome of these inspections but on these 
>     figures, if selling into Germany, surely the risk cannot be considered 
>     cost effective when prosecutions can include:
>     a substantial fine
>     withdrawing product
>     being banned from ever selling in the EU again
>     Also provision has been made for a criminal penalty of imprisonment 
>     (watch out whoever is signing the Declarations of Conformity!)
>     Brian McAuliffe
>     Tellabs Ltd
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: Penalty for Non-Compliance
>Author:  "Brian Kunde" <brian_ku...@leco.com> at smtplink-tellabs
>Date:    21/02/97 11:07
>     I hear a very disturbing subject being openly discussed among several 
>     of my European contacts.  Distributors in Europe are saying that the 
>     CE marking is a joke. That many companies (European Companies are 
>     mentioned most often) are simply applying the CE marking to their 
>     products without testing.  Some say that many companies were initially 
>     forced to do this because of the time and cost of testing and 
>     redesign, but since there is very little checking going on the risk is 
>     "Cost Effective".
>     IS THIS TRUE?  
>     Has anyone heard of specific situations where a company or person has 
>     been fined or jailed for fraudulently placing the CE marking on 
>     non-compliant equipment?  What is the penalty for non-compliance? What 
>     is the penalty for fraud?  Is anyone checking?  Is anyone getting in 
>     trouble? 
>     I have been asked to obtain strong evidence to counter this opinion. 
>     More or less to "put the fear of God" into distributors and reassure 
>     our marketing and sales force that delaying product to market for the 
>     CE mark is the right thing to do.
>     Can you help?  Please post or email me anything you can.
>     Thanks,
>     Brian Kunde
>     brian_ku...@leco.com

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