Dear Friends,
     We have a large piece of lab equipment that uses 3 vacuum pumps and 
     several power supplies. The controllers for the pumps are stand alone 
     type, fully encased. We take these controllers and power supplies and 
     install them inside our equipment.
     The problem that we have is that the controllers and some of the power 
     supplies have their own EMI filtering. This causes the leakage current 
     of each one to be between .5 mA and 1 mA, well within the limits. But 
     when we install them inside of our end product, these add together 
     with the EMI filters of the end product to create a high leakage 
     current of 6 mA. (We are using EN 61010 clause, and these 
     values are measured with the ground wire open.)
     I see 3 possibilities, but could use some feed back, as "there is 
     wisdom in many counselors".
     1. The controller manufacturer has stated that we could isolate the 
     ground path to the Y caps in their unit. The draw back here is the 
     modification of an approved component.
     2. Change from a detachable line cord to a permanent wiring scheme, 
     and provide another ground wire. So in the event the ground wire in 
     the line cord breaks, there is another ground path. Although I've seen 
     this, I can not find any reference to this construction in EN 61010.
     3. Provide multiple line cords. I'm not sure this will work because of 
     the disconnect requirements.
     Thank you for your thoughts on this issue.
     Ray Russell

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