Years ago I had the opportunity of working with a top flight consultant
on ESD and the human-body model. The only manufacturer that produced an
ESD simulator that ACCURATELY reflected the Human Body pulse was Andy
Hish. The ESD simulators today produce a facimile of the true ESD
event in the interest of test consistency.

Of all the simulators I have tried, I like the Schaffner. I find the
controls easy to use - it even has a counter. This is of most importance
to someone as easily distracted as me!! Most of all I like that fact the
10cm separation between the EUT (tabletop) and the gun is built into the
design. Very nice.

Charles Grasso
EMC Engineer

>Sent:  Tuesday, July 15, 1997 7:06 AM
>Subject:       Re: ESD Simulators
> wrote:
>> My company is looking to purchase some ESD Simulators.  There are basically
>> three manufacturers worldwide of this type eqiupment, and ESD guns are not
>> cheap.  I am interested in hearing of any experiences or information, good
>> or bad, anyone has had with particular models of ESD Simulators.  Since
>> may not be an appropriate open forum discussion topic, responses can be
>> off-line.
>> Thanks
>> Darrell Locke
>> Advanced Input Devices
>Hi Darrell, 
>Long ago in a land far away when I first started compliance, I worked 
>for a company that used a homebrew ESD thing made from a flyback coil 
>from a tv set that could literally kill you.  They had started using 
>this thing on products due to numerous complaints from customers 
>concerning ESD events in a carpeted office environment.  Theory was 
>at the time (from the two gentlemen that ran the lab both had EE Ph.D.s) 
>if the product could survive that, it'd survive anything. 
>I bought a Keyteck Mini-Zapper and things settled down.  I changed jobs 
>and at the new company bought another Mini-Zapper.  But, I soon ran into 
>trouble at that time for there was (at one point in time) the need for 
>three seperate guns (three seperate human models) for Bellcore, and 
>IEC-801 series testing.  I stayed with the the MiniZapper arguing that 
>the IEC series was "more" valid than something from Bellcore due to 
>it based upon law.  Bellcore is not based upon law.  It is allowed 
>to be interpreted any way the two parties agree.  Still not satisified, 
>the customer protested and I rented from GE rental a Schaffner NSG 
>ESD gun (the specific model number escapes me but I'm sure someone 
>will know exactly what it is) that was more in line with everyone. 
>Before I left that company, it was to be regular policy to rent 
>equipment as needed rather than buy.  At the time I supported that 
>Now, at yet another company, the lab I go to uses a Compliance Design 
>device (again the model number escapes me).  I am still supporting 
>rentals and that falls into the Schaffner series when needed.
>updating to any changes for another human model (I don't think this 
>will happen soon), and storage during downtime I incur upon the rentee. 
>Regards,  Doug

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