Hi Paul.

Lots of questions, but one that struck home with me:

< - CE EMC requirements are not applicable to Radio Control equipment  
(for me its applicable to ALL equipment's, what's your opinion?)>
Radio Control, like CB and ISM (Industrial Scientific and Medical)
frequencies do not usually have limits to emissions, and don't usually have
immunity requirements.  The ISM frequencies are specd (in the UK) at 13.56
MHz, 27.2, and harmonics upwards, and I think I'm right in saying that
there are no limits to emissions WITHIN THOSE FREQUNCY BANDS...

ISM, CB and RC equipment emits RF, that's what it does, that's what it's
meant to do, if it didn't it woulldn't be working.  So, the rationale is
that anyone can do what they like in those frequencies, but don't complain
to the authorities if then band is already full of interference.

It seems to me that the Radio Control, CB and ISM frequencies are the
interference dustbins of the RF world, and you use them at your peril, it
follows that subjecting such equipment to EMC rules would be quite
I assume, of course, that your equipment operates ONLY at the marked
frequency, with a bit of distortion to produce odd and even harmonics, but
that your stuff doesn't have FM, or sidebands, or  parasitics that would
create emissions OUTSIDE the ISM bands.

A couple of Euro's worth?

Chris Dupres
Surrey, UK.

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