Hello John,

There is no mistake with the spec's wording. The intent of the clause is to
have cabling that will prevent the LIU from being easily bypassed. With the
method that you have mentioned this could be achieved by the CE having a
non-standard connector that will prevent direct connection to the network.
In this case the user is encouraged to connect the CE to the LIU via the
non-standard connector and then make the network connection to the LIU
using a standard connector (RJ11 etc).

If the LIU and CE were joined with a "non-detachable" cable this would also
meet the intention of this clause as the user would need to make some
serious changes to bypass the LIU.

Barry Esmore

> From: f...@netc.ie
> To: emc-p...@ieee.org; emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> Subject: Interpretation of  Australian Standard TS001 
> Date: Thursday, 27 August 1998 0:56
>      Hi all,
>      I have a question regarding TS001 - 1997 which is an Australian 
>      Standard for safety of telecoms equipment for customer use.
>      Clause 5.3 permits the use of a separate Line Isolation Unit which
>      connected between the telecoms device, typically a modem, and the 
>      network. The purpose of this LIU is to provide electrical separation

>      from the network to SELV, in the case where the device itself does
>      provide that separation.
>      Clause 5.3.2 allows three methods to prevent the possibility of the 
>      LIU being bypassed, resulting in the device being directly connected

>      to the network. The first method is the "Use of detachable cabling 
>      that will not allow direct connection of CE to a telecommunications 
>      network"
>      My question is should the above sentence read "non-detachable"
>      of "detachable"? Otherwise can anybody shed some light on the
>      All comments appreciated.
>      John Fee
>      f...@netc.ie

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