I have attacked this in two parts both of which are part of the
purchase specification through the drawings provided to the vendor during
bid or order. The drawing specifies the material and the flammability, and
for those parts that are not just decorative and are relied upon for fire
enclosure the vendor is required to be part of the recognized plastics
molder program.
        My position is that the requirements spelled out by the drawings
form a legal contract between the vendor and my company. The requirement for
being a molder gives me a little more leverage with the FUS inspectors, (it
is their own program after all) and gives me a little more assurance that
the part is meeting the specification in two - albeit small -- ways. The FUS
group wanders into the molders factory on occasion and at least locates any
glaring errors in their process; that they are not using 100% regrind or
adding cellulose nitrate or something else as a binder to the raw material
which would reduce the flammability properties and that they can verify that
they are building parts to the documentation that describes it. Even if it
is not my part that is being inspected at the time the vendors manufacturing
process is being spot checked and is apparently working.
        The receivers that come in with the shipment from the vendor
includes the part number and drawing number to which the part was built. I
can always find that in our system and then call up the drawings in my
materials handling system to show the FUS inspector. The UL yellow book will
also provide the inspector with the information that the vendor is
recognized by and independent (someone other than my company) inspection
authority to build these types of parts.
        That has always resolved the issue with the FUS people I have worked
with here in the Northwest.
        Certainly, not bullet proof but I believe it provides me with more
than reasonable assurance that the process is working
        Gary McInturff
        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Millsaps Cindy-G14342 [SMTP:g14...@ga25epd.mot.com]
        Sent:   Thursday, November 19, 1998 5:09 AM
        To:     'Darrell Locke (MSMail)'; 'emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org'
        Subject:        RE: Plastics Cert Documentation

        We just had a meeting here yesterday on this same issue.  The shear
        of plastic subassemblies that we have makes it very difficult to
keep C of
        C's for every piece.  We are trying to decide what other
alternatives there
        are.  I would appreciate being copied on any answers that anyone may
have on
        this topic.


        Cindy Millsaps
        Product Safety Engineer
        Motorola Energy Systems Group
        (770) 338-3288
        FAX: (770) 338-3345

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Darrell Locke (MSMail)
                Sent:   Wednesday, November 18, 1998 5:44 PM
                To:     'emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org'
                Subject:        Plastics Cert Documentation

                Dear Fellow Members,

                We have a plethora of plastic subassemblies, produced by
                vendors, that are received and stocked in our factory.  We
must keep
                certs of flammability on file for each shipment of every
        part to
                satisfy UL, CSA, and TUV factory inspectors.  This involves
                filing lots of paper and maintaing a long row of filing
                method seems cumbersome in this electronic age.  Does anyone
                experience with easier methods of tracking these certs that
is also
                acceptable to the agencies.

                Thanks very much

                Darrell Locke
                Advanced Input Devices

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