  From: Anthony Guinto <agui...@mc.com>
  Subject: Re: MIL-STD-461 C vs D
  Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 13:51:23 -0800 
  To: "Brumbaugh, David" <david.brumba...@pss.boeing.com>, 'emc-pstc' 

> Hello 
> Here is the basics on 461D
> MIL-STD-461 D
> CE101 replaces CE01
> CE102 up to 10MHz No Narrow or Wide band only Peak Band.

Ummm, just a slight correction here, Tony. The requirement for classification 
of all emissions into either Narrowband or Broadband categories was dropped. 
Instead, they specified the measurement (resolution) bandwidths, scan speeds 
and the detector function (Peak) and dwell times for all emission frequencies.



Ed Price
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab
Cubic Defense Systems
San Diego, CA.  USA
List-Post: emc-pstc@listserv.ieee.org
Date: 12/11/1998
Time: 12:45:42

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