#Paul Rampelbergh wrote:
#> Is there a need to have a license to posses and operate EMC
#> measurement tools?
#In the UK... none that I know of.
#Phil Ford

You might like to check the situation with the following person;

Steve Hewitt of the Radiocommunications Agency, Test and Development
Licence section

Phone +44 (0) 171 211 0008

The situation may change depending on the frequency of radiation within
the screened room - the breakpoint being 1GHz I think.

I applied for a licence - and this was granted (for 150 UKP / annum) - I
was NOT told that a licence was not needed. My licence covers 9kHz to
100GHz and for pulse / FM / AM modulations.

If you do not use a screened room - then you Do need a licence!

Tim Haynes

Tim Haynes (tim.hay...@gecm.com)

My mind is my own - blame no other for my thoughts.

Num festinat tempus quando ludes

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