
Sorry to disagree but I have been in contact with the Commission and various
governments around Europe including Germany, Sweden, UK. Eire, France etc.

Although there is a common position in that HCFC are to phased out, certain
governments have gone that extra mile and banned HCFC through local Regulations.
The EC seems to have recognised this fact and in their most recent publication
dates are mentioned which bring in the cut off date.  If you can be patient I
will find the reference for you and send the document.


William McCafferty
Safety & Quality Manager
Nikon Precision Europe
Tel:    00 44 (0)1506 405465
Mobile: 00 44 (0)411 208 988
Fax:    00 44 (0)1506 464 411

acar...@uk.xyratex.com (Andrew Carson) on 12/22/2000 10:15:08 AM

Please respond to acar...@uk.xyratex.com (Andrew Carson)

To:   tinb...@aol.com
cc:   emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org (bcc: William McCafferty/LIV/NPEUROPE.COM)
Subject:  Re: HCFC Ban in the EU Effective 1/1/01?


You can read Common Position EC #19/1999 at


reading through this and speaking to the companies environmental adviser, you
have been miss informed. HCFC are the temporary replacement for CFCs, and they
will be phased out eventually, but at this date no one has yet come up with a
100% suitable alternative.

tinb...@aol.com wrote:

> Environmental Professionals,
> Is anyone familiar with a "Common Position EC #19/1999, Official Journal of
> European Commision, 4/5/99".
> I was told that the EC#19/1999 is a European regulation that prohibits the
> shipment of equipment containing HCFC into the EU after January 1, 2001.
> I am curious whether this EC #19/1999 is truly a "European Regulation or
> Directive" and if so, does it really prohibit HCFC to be shipped into the EU
> after January 1, 20001.
> Regards
> Tin
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Andrew Carson - Product Safety Engineer
Xyratex Engineering Laboratory
Tele 023 92496855 Fax 023 92496014

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