But when is A14 expected to be entered into the Official Journal? Quoting
from the Sep/Oct 2000 issue of Approval Magazine (page 6):

"The mains harmonic standard continues to be a headache for industry,
despite the best efforts of the standards bodies. EN61000-3-2 effectively
becomes mandatory from 1 January 2001, and although a much clearer, easier
to use version has been approved, it is unlikely to appear in the Official
Journal before the middle of next year."


plaw...@west.net (Patrick Lawler) on 12/12/2000 03:07:41 PM

Please respond to plaw...@west.net (Patrick Lawler)

To:   EMC-PSTC <emc-p...@ieee.org>
cc:    (bcc: Robert E. Heller/US-Corporate/3M/US)
Subject:  Re: Passive PFC (original post by lfresea...@aol.com)

I was getting ahead of myself (and the standard).
Yes, there is a transistion period.  Apparently, until January 2004
you can choose to use ammendment 14 or not.

The CENELEC web site reports:
DOR 2000-10-03
DAV 2000-10-19
DOA 2000-12-01
DOP 2001-01-01
DOW 2004-01-01

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 11:31:39 -0600, "Lesmeister, Glenn"
<glenn.lesmeis...@compaq.com> wrote:
>...and thus you might not comply.  Has the new A14 been given a DOP and
>I haven't seen it yet.  Normally, when new requirements are published
>is a DOW for existing requirements.  Isn't it typically about 4 years?  If
>you've been gearing up to meet the existing EN61000-3-2 how could you be
>expected to have this rug pulled out from under you on and immediate
>Glenn Lesmeister
>Product Regulatory Compliance
>Compaq Computer Corp.        Tel: 281-514-5163
>20555 SH 249, MS60607        Fax: 281-514-8029
>Houston,  TX 77070-2698      Pgr: 713-786-4930
>"I am empowered to do what makes sense!"
> -----Original Message-----
>From:    plaw...@west.net [mailto:plaw...@west.net]
>Sent:    Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:58 AM
>Subject: Re: Passive PFC (original post by lfresea...@aol.com)
>When systems are tested using these techniques, make sure the latest
>version of EN61000-3-2 is used, incorporating Ammendment 14.
>Previously, simple techniques could be used to modify the input
>current waveform, and distort it outside the 'special waveform'
>envelope shown in figure 1 of the standard.
>This enabled you to use the less-stringent Class A limits.
>With the incorporation of Ammendment 14, there is no evaluation of the
>input current waveform to determine the test limit.  The application
>alone will determine the test limit used.
>Patrick Lawler
>On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:03:50 +1100, Jon Keeble
><j.kee...@fairlightesp.com.au> wrote:
>>You may be interested in a paper
>>Power Factor Correction for AC-DC Converters with Cost Effective
>>W.Wölfle Convertec Ltd., Wexford, IRELAND
>>W.G.Hurley National University of Ireland Galway, IRELAND
>>S.Arnold Enserb Bordeaux, FRANCE
>>To quote the conclusion:
>>This paper presents a new, simple and cost effective solution
>>for the power factor correction of the input current of a
>>switch mode power supply, which meets the IEC limits on
>>harmonic distortion. A sloped air-gap inductor, which adapts
>>its inductance values to the input current conditions of the
>>power supply, is used to shape the current to comply with the
>>limits for harmonic distortions as defined in EN61000-3-2.
>>It is shown that using a classical inductor design, the filter
>>inductor is too bulky, whereas the volume of the sloped air-gap
>>choke is as small as the switching transformer of the
>>power (e.g.100 kHz) supply. In fact, the volume required is
>>not bigger then that required for an active PFC circuit, but at
>>a fraction of the cost.
>>The .pdf is too large to post, but I'll mail a copy to the first ten
>>callers ...
>>Seasonal Greetings
>>Jon Keeble
>>Hardware Engineering Manager
>>8977 9931
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