
I am currently debating about recommending that our company affix the CE
mark to all packaging (boxes etc.) slated to be shipped to the European
Communities. We currently only affix the mark to the compliant apparatus and
from my research (89/336/EEC Article 10(1) I have not found it to be
applicable anywhere else other than the apparatus.

With the growing talk of enforcement, is it conceivable to believe that
marking the packaging along with the apparatus and instructions will aid in
preventing future shipments from being tampered with or spot checked while
entering the EC? 

Does the CE mark on the packaging aid in marketing of the apparatus?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Cyril A. Binnom Jr.
EMI/EMC Approvals Engineer
LXE, Inc.
(770) 447-4224 Ext. 3240
(770) 447-6928 Fax

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