"Vaccum" should of course be "Vacuum".  My typing fingers betrayed me....

-----Original Message-----
From: O'Shaughnessy, Paul [mailto:paul_oshaughne...@affymetrix.com]
Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 10:28 AM
To: 'george_t...@dell.com'; brian_ku...@leco.com;
Subject: RE: How does RF travel through outer space?

This question harkens back to the days when it was supposed that there was
some "ether" or etherial material, through which EM waves must propagate.
You can still hear people occasionally say that a message arrived "through
the ether."  It was a (logical at the time) extrapolation from sound waves,
which by their nature need a carrier medium.  So, nobody should feel
inadequate for thinking that such an ether must exist.  Prestigeous
scientists of the last century thought exactly the same thing.  It was was
only the hard evidence of experiment that proved otherwise.

The reality (arrived at only after significant experimentation) is that
electric and magnetic fields (which are really just representations of
observable phyisical attractions and repulsions) simply are.  They exist
regardless of the material (or vaccum) through which they propagate.
Existence in a vaccum is in fact their purest manifestation.  The presence
of material will in fact alter or warp the fields through dielectric or
magnetic permeability (molecular sized electric dipoles or electron spins
which in effect create their own fields).

Hope this helps.

Paul O'Shaughnessy
Affymetrix, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: george_t...@dell.com [mailto:george_t...@dell.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 3:57 PM
To: brian_ku...@leco.com; emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
Subject: RE: How does RF travel through outer space?

We all just carved pumpkins not too long ago.  We can use pumpkins to
explain one of these questions.  If you put a 5 watt light bulb at the
center of your carved pumpkin, then each square inch of the internal pumpkin
surface gets the amount of light energy given by the expression: 

5W / (internal surface area of pumpkin) = light energy per square inch

Now you move your light bulb to a bigger pumpkin and do the same
calculation.  You find that each square inch of your bigger pumpkin gets
less light energy due to a bigger surface area.  This is why RF signals drop
off at the rate of 1/distance squared, since the pumpkin surface area is
proportional to the square of the radius.  Light is simply a higher
frequency emission than RF, but the same concept applies.  

As far as "How RF travel through vacuum," you can think of it this way:  RF
is composed of electric field and magnetic field.  Electric field is simply
the attraction force between the positive charges and the negative charges.
And magnetic field is the interaction between 2 current loops.  It is not
hard to imagine that refrigerator magnets will work in vacuum or protons and
electrons will attract in outer space.  RF is simply the electric and
magnetic fields changing polarity at a very rapid rate.  


-----Original Message-----
From: brian_kunde [mailto:brian_ku...@leco.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 30, 2000 12:51 PM
To: emc-pstc
Subject: How does RF travel through outer space?


I'm sorry if this is too simple of question... "How does RF travel through

I will be teaching a class in which this question will come up. I want to be
prepared with all the basic science behind this principal. I need an
explaination that is simple and easy to understand.

People seem to have no problem understanding how waves can travel through
such as a body of water but can not understand how it can travel where there
no mass. I also understand that there is a lot of debate over how Light
through space (photons and all).   

Also, I understand that RF signals degrade at a rate of 1/distance(squared).
What force is causing this attenuation?

Try to keep it simple for my audience it not all that technical.  Appreciate
help. Please forgive any improper punctuation or word misuse.

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