The following message was distributed by ETSI.

A meeting was held on 12th September 2001 between CEN, CENELEC, ETSI and the
European Commission with regard to identifying European standards to be used
in the framework of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) that is
expected to be adopted later this year. (See attachment)

The steps I outlined and accepted at the meeting were:

1) Identify standards under the LVD/R&TTED/etc that would also be suitable
for listing under the GPSD

2) Identify any existing safety standards other than 1) that would be
suitable for listing under the GPSD

3) Identify the need for any new standards.

The Chairman of TC Safety who was present at the meeting believes that for
1) and 2) the answer is 'none' and so the question to the ETSI membership is
whether you think that there are any ETSI standards needed in category 3).

Note that the GPSD applies to ALL products, whether electrical or not.
Therefore, earpieces and other accessories for mobile 'phones would be
covered (as they are by the existing GPSD today). Similarly, this Directive
would likely cover the range of self-powered Bluetooth devices.

Please could you send any input that you may have to this exploder list
before 31st October 2001.

Kind regards
Claire d'Esclercs
ETSI Technical Officer for TC SAFETY
+33 492 94 43 83 (fixed)
+33 672 28 52 64 (mobile)
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