I was thinking more about radiated emission (30 Mhz-1 GHz) that is enhanced
by cables.

For some interesting results reported by Douglas Smith (cir. 1999 ) see:

Effectively it is half (?) a turn if a ferrite clamp-cores are used, hence
a distributed


Tim Foo,                                      E-mail:  f...@np.edu.sg
ECE, School of Engineering,
http://www.np.edu.sg/ece/                          Tel: + 65 460 6143
Ngee Ann Polytechnic,                              Fax: + 65 467 1730
535 Clementi Road,
Singapore 599489

                    "Ralph Cameron"                                             
                    <ral...@igs.net>               To:     "Wan Juang Foo" 
                    Sent by:                       cc:     
                    owner-emc-pstc@majordom        Subject:     Re: Examples of 
EMC problems in the real world          
                    06/28/01 09:01 PM                                           
                    Please respond to                                           
                    "Ralph Cameron"                                             

When the material of the core and the windings are as specified , the
emission reduction is uniform over the range for which it is designed-
1Mhz-30Mhz. Resonance is avoided by a distributed winding

Ralph Cameron

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wan Juang Foo" <f...@np.edu.sg>
To: "Ralph Cameron" <ral...@igs.net>
Cc: <emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2001 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: Examples of EMC problems in the real world

> The so call reduction in emmission does not happen all the time.   There
> still the possibility of resonance, this I have observed in several cases
> over  the past 7 years .
> Tim Foo,                                      E-mail:  f...@np.edu.sg
> ECE, School of Engineering,
> http://www.np.edu.sg/ece/                          Tel: + 65 460 6143
> Ngee Ann Polytechnic,                              Fax: + 65 467 1730
> 535 Clementi Road,
> Singapore 599489
>                     "Ralph Cameron"
>                     <ral...@igs.net>               To:
>                     Sent by:                       cc:
<emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org>, (bcc: Wan Juang
>                     owner-emc-pstc@majordom        Foo/ece/staff/npnet)
>                     o.ieee.org                     Subject:     Re:
Examples of EMC problems in the real world
>                     06/27/01 09:16 PM

>                     Please respond to
>                     "Ralph Cameron"
> Bob:
> It just occurred to me that list members may not be failimiar with the
> application of these components after manufacture. If needed I would be
> glad
> to elaborate.  Basically, since conducted immunity also decreases
> emissions its a double benefit.

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