Tania Grant wrote:
> Doug,
> If I understand you correctly, you are referring to the remaining
> (or pins or traces) in the equipment which is still under power.


> O.K., let me tell you what UL and CSA made me do with equipment that
> is NOT user accessible, but only accessible to trained service

Yes.  This is a perfect case of required warnings being
used no matter if the person is an end user or repairer.

< snipped material >

> Never underestimate the stupidity of people challenged by
> some intriguing label or instruction!  However, a trained
> serviceman should accept your label at face value.

Yes, I had an interesting case with a laser and a "trained technician"
once.  Seems he decided to look down the fiber to check if the
laser was on.  It was an IR device (invisible to the naked eye)
and running at about 15mW.  When I was asked about it by marketing,
I said, "make sure to tell the "technician" not to look at the laser
with his remaining good eye ... "  Luckily, the guy wasn't harmed,
but they got the point.

Unintended consequences abound, but it is not our responsibility
to design simple common sense into everything that's made. It's
our responsibility for due diligence, good engineering practices,
safety, etc ...  But if the product is being sold to the general
remember the customer base can have as much as -2 full deviations
(that's minus two) from the mean IQ of the population.

- Doug McKean

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