Recent products introduced by Elgar, Pacific Power, and others have an
output range from DC to kHz, perform a multitude of EMC/safety measurements
and test conditions, are no larger than 4U (some are smaller), and full
featured for less than $8k(US). There are less expensive AC sources
available (some < $3k), but they may not be instrument-grade. Tell your boss
to open his wallet & let the moths free...

For simple production-line testing, that required some degree of automation,
I've use motor-driven variacs. For even more simple (simplistic ?)
requirements, I've used zero-sense crossing SSRs that switch taps in
transformer windings.

And, given a clear requirements specification,  I am certain that the clever
people of this listserv will think of solutions that are much more elegant.

I speak only for myself.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Townsend []
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 10:59 AM
To: Brian O'Connell
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: looking for used power supply

> Please visit the web pages of Elgar, Pacific Power, Agilent, etc. The
> requirement should be obvious.

I am very familiar with this type equipment. If you are familiar with this
equipment you should also know that an Elgar covering this power range,
from say 40 to 400 Hz costs upwards of $25K, takes 5 rack bays to house, and
weeks to order in.

On the other hand if Mike is simply looking for something to make 50 Hz from
Hz then a simple motor gen set costing a few $K will do the job.

Finally if Mike is really trying to hook up a single phase load to a 3 phase
main, then all he needs is the right transformer.  <$1K

The operative word here is "variable" and in what context.  It seemed
obvious to
me that Mike was not familiar with this subject and could have
his requirements, i.e. did he say variable when he meant compatible?

Fred Townsend

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