You should start with RTCA D0-160D for applicable EMC, Lightning, ESD and other 
requirements. You can purchase a copy at

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Kinney (A) [mailto:dan.kin...@heapg.com]
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 6:07 AM
To: Emc-Pstc (E-mail)
Cc: Roy Lowery (A); Brian Stuckey (A)
Subject: Application of equipment in U.S. aircraft

We have a possible application of some of our equipment for engine control
of crop dusting aircraft.  We have never had our equipment used on aircraft
before (to our knowledge) thus don't know if there are any regulatory issues
we need to concern ourselves with.  The application is for use in the U.S.,
at least initially.  Our equipment presently complies with the EMC Directive
for ISM and is UL approved for Hazardous Locations. It would stand to reason
there would be additional requirements for any application involving
aircraft but we don't know if this might be an issue between the installer
and the FAA or an issue for us to be concerned and involved with.

My request might be a little off topic for this group, but if anyone can
point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.
Dan Kinney

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This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:  http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/pstc/

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     Dave Heald                davehe...@mediaone.net

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     Richard Nute:           ri...@ieee.org
     Jim Bacher:             j.bac...@ieee.org

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    http://www.rcic.com/      click on "Virtual Conference Hall,"

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