Once upon a time, before we were spun off from IBM, and I was the
EMC manager here, I faintly recall that the IBM Boebligen lab in
Germany had an OATS facility.  I also faintly recall that snow on
the rooftop did impact the measurements needed.

Note that OATS structures are normally constructed with non-conductive
materials, e.g. wood, plastic, etc.  A layer of snow represents a plane
of conductive material, albeit not a great conductor.

However, these are memories from the distant past. Surely there are
some still using OATS facilities where winter snow is a problem.


plawler%west....@interlock.lexmark.com (Patrick Lawler) on 12/12/2001 12:40:35

Please respond to plawler%west....@interlock.lexmark.com (Patrick Lawler)

To:   EMC-PSTC <emc-pstc%ieee....@interlock.lexmark.com>
cc:    (bcc: George Alspaugh/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Enclosed OATS facilities in snow country

I saw some photographs of an enclosed OATS facility in an area subject to snow.

How does snow accumulation on the roof affect performance measurements?  Does it
affect the NSA figures?
Is the effect significant enough that attempts are made to keep the roof snow
free?  Or does the normal attempt at keeping the inside test area warm enough
for people take care of snow build-up?

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