Keeping the step size to one-half the measurement bandwidth is an accepted
way of assuring that all possible signals are captured.  Using a step size
equal to a measurement bandwidth is not quite as good but reasonable.

>Subject: Stepping receiver, step sizes.
>Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2001, 7:17 AM

> Hello Group!
> I would like to ask a question regarding EMI Receiver step sizes in the
> higher frequency range.
>  We are performing radiated emissions testing in a semi-anechoic chamber
> using an EMI receiver.  We plan to cover a high frequency range between 1
> and 5 GHz (a large spanse to cover!).  I would like to know what practical
> step size (ie. 8kHz or 20kHz or 80kHz)  I could choose for such a wide
> range and keep:
>      1.  The data accurate, meaning that I wouldn't be "missing" or
> stepping around energy by taking to large of a step.
>      2.  Keep the amount of data I'm collecting to a reasonable amount so
> that I may process it (apply correction factors for antenna, cable loss,
> pre-amplifier).
> My question comes up primarily because I haven't found any specifications
> that require things like minimum scan time, maximum step size, or the like.
> Is anyone aware of a specification out there that covers this, or have any
> information/personal experience that could help me make a determination?
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Regards,
> Scott Mee
> EMC Engineer
> Johnson Controls Inc.
> PH:  616.394.2565
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