Hello Luiz,
Unless a specific standard specifies a length, there is no universal minimum
or maximum length. However, depending on the length, some standards specify
acceptable cross-sectional areas of the conductors for lengths below 2.0
meters (EN 60799) and above 15.2 meters (UL 817). 
If you are going to specify power cord lengths, I would go with what the
power cord suppliers have off-the-shelf. Usually, these lengths are 6.0, 8.0
and 12.0 feet or 1.8, 2.5, and 3.6 meters. You should expect to get good
delivery of these power cords because they are usually in stock and allows
your supplier to manage your power cord inventory. Special lengths require
scheduling special production runs and can extend the lead time in getting
these power cords. As for price, it is always negotiable, depending on the
volume you purchase.
|Ronald R. Wellman                |Voice : 408-345-8229           | 
|Agilent Technologies             |FAX   : 408-553-2412           | 
|5301 Stevens Creek Blvd.,        |E-Mail: ron_well...@agilent.com| 
|Mailstop 54L-BB                  |WWW   : http://www.agilent.com
<http://www.agilent.com/>  | 
|Santa Clara, California 95052 USA|                               | 
| "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age   | 
|  eighteen." - Albert Einstein                                   | 

-----Original Message-----
From: Luiz Claudio [mailto:luizboni...@ig.com.br]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 1:14 AM
To: emc-p...@ieee.org
Cc: luiz_c_boni...@multibras.com.br
Subject: Power Cord Length

Dear all,
I am trying to identify requirements regarding the minimum and maximum power
cord length used in household appliances. I found specific requirements in
UL (min 1,5 m, max 2,5m) and SASO (min 2,0 m). But I couldn't find any
information for other regions (Europe, Asia, South Africa, etc.)
Does anybody have this kind of information?
Luiz Claudio Bonilla de Araujo
Joinville - SC - BRAZIL

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