This is very interesting. I had a terrible battle with rf conducted
immunity.  Could you describe your experiment?

Best regards,


David Gelfand
Regulatory Approvals
Kontron Communications
Montreal Canada 
-----Original Message-----
From: John Woodgate []
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: EMC-related safety issues

I read in !emc-pstc that wrote (in <17d.1b28bc2.296>) about 'EMC-related safety issues', on Fri, 4 Jan 2002:

>Does anyone else think that ordinary semiconductors doesn't respond to RF?

Your experience has been shared by thousands. The demodulation normally
occurs at the first semiconductor junction that the r.f signal 'sees',
although at 10 V/m there may be propagation effects.

The faulty reasoning that makes this effect surprising is 'silicon
diodes and transistors need 0.6 V forward bias in order to conduct'. It
isn't TRUE! If you add 'more than a few microamps' it's less untrue. But
conduction occurs right down to minute signal voltages, resulting,
certainly, in even more minute currents, but current enough to cause
trouble. 'Underbiased' junctions act as excellent square-law detectors;
for every 1 dB increase in input signal level you get 2 dB increase in
level of recovered modulation.

You may well find that JFET-input op-amps are far less sensitive to r.f.
A test that I carried out a while back, on a very simple board with no
EMC counter-measures at all, indicated a 26 dB difference between an
LM324 and a TL072, the difference being substantially independent of
frequency from 150 kHz to 1 GHz.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only.

After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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