I read in !emc-pstc that Gelfand, David <david.gelf...@ca.kontron.com>
wrote (in <DAE684A26044B6469EF0A1E1565116820F0B63@semsl131>) about
'Demodulating RF', on Fri, 4 Jan 2002:
>This is very interesting. I had a terrible battle with rf conducted
>immunity.  Could you describe your experiment?

Well, it could be said to be very crude. I made a 20 dB gain amplifier
on a scrap of board, and monitored the audio output produced by an r.f.
signal modulated at 1 kHz. This signal was applied to a very small
parallel-plate apparatus with plates only 75 mm wide by 120 mm long,
separated by 75 mm. The coaxial feeder to this was simply terminated in
50 ohms at the plates, and the amplifier was supported roughly in the
centre of the working volume. Since the apparatus is so small, the field
strength within it should be reasonably predictable, even at 1 GHz. But
what I did was to compare the signal generator outputs required to
produce a fixed 1 kHz output voltage from the two amplifiers, one with a
724 and one with an 072 op-amp, so the actual field strength had little
effect on the results. The difference was fairly constant at
approximately 26 dB, irrespective of frequency and field strength, up to
about an estimated 3 V/m. Above that, the difference decreased a little.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
After swimming across the Hellespont, I felt like a Hero. 

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