Try starting with the following URL and drill downward for each directive
where you will find guidance documents and the standards listed.
Richard Woods 
Sensormatic Electronics 
Tyco International 
-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Wismer []
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 10:22 AM
To: EMC Forum
Subject: Selection of Directives

Hi all,
Me again.....
My primary focus over the last few years has been limited to ITE and 2.4GHz
SS radio products.  My contact lists and web page book marks are filled with
the necessary links to information regarding these types of products and I
am very comfortable with obtaining compliance with the required Directives
that apply.    I am now exposed to many types of products destined for the
EU and want to make sure to apply the proper directives and standards.  
Where is the magical matrix that one can pick his directive and test suite
from for a given type of product?
Kind Regards,
Sam Wismer
Engineering Manager
ACS, Inc.
Phone:  (770) 831-8048
Fax:  (770) 831-8598

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