
A flat 150 ohms from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz is not realistic.  Have you measured
S11 for a clamp over that range?  We did such measurements several years ago
while A1:2000 was still under discussion and found a far higher value for
typically available clamps down near 30 MHz.  I agree with the idea of
adding a specification for S11, however.  It would improve repeatability
between different clamps.

Ghery Pettit, NCE

-----Original Message-----
From: Gert Gremmen []
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 1:00 PM
To: Conway, Patrick R; 'Pettit, Ghery';
Subject: RE: Ferrite clamps

The test requirements for these ferrite clamps are part of
an amendment for CISPR16-1. The amendment is in
the stage of committee draft (CD) so very early. (CISPR/A/424/CD)
Basically the troughput losses are measured.
I have suggested the NL committee to add input CM-impedance
(S11) (150 ohm +/- xxx %) as a requirement for the calibration of these

The current proposition requires more then 15 dB of loss between
30 Mhz and 1000 Mhz.


Gert Gremmen
ce-test, qualified testing
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Conway, Patrick R
Sent: maandag 25 november 2002 17:44
To: 'Pettit, Ghery'; ''
Subject: RE: Ferrite clamps

        Thanks for the response.  I was very interested in knowing what the
responses were at the committee level to those basic questions.  From your
report it seems the basics of "non-interference" were brought up but other
factors weighed heavier in the argument.

        If I worked for a test lab or for a test equipment manufacturer I
think I'd be happy about the adoption of A1:2000.  But since I work for
neither of those I'm still not sure how this helps my employer get
non-interfering product to market.

        But, as you say- these points are no longer important.  The DOW
approaches.  So- now I have to go buy some clamps.

        Anyone know where I can get some of these magic clamps?
        Anyone started using these in their testing yet?

Best Regards,

Patrick Conway  NCE
EMC Advisory Engineer
303.661.6717 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pettit, Ghery []
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 6:05 PM
To: Conway, Patrick R; Pettit, Ghery; ''
Subject: RE: Ferrite clamps


You make a number of valid points.  They are, however, mute.  A1:2000 to
CISPR 22:1997 was published in 2000 and is being adopted around the world.
As a result, if regulatory bodies do not adopt it, we get to perform
radiated emissions tests twice on products, which will have a substantial
cost impact on the ITE industry.

The whole purpose of the clamps is to improve repeatability between labs.
The impact on the measured emissions levels was pointed out during the
discussions within CISPR SC G with no effect.  We're stuck with them, for
better or worse.  We need the FCC to allow them to reduce duplicate testing.
The FCC is well aware of the dual testing that their not approving the
clamps will cause.  I have personally pointed that out to them in meetings.
We'll see what happens.


-----Original Message-----
From: Conway, Patrick R []
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2002 1:12 PM
To: 'Pettit, Ghery'; ''
Subject: RE: Ferrite clamps

        It will be interesting to see if ITI are successful with the FCC on
this topic.  The ferrite clamp devices seem to be counter productive to the
original intent of the laws.

        I may be *way* off base here but I'll explain:

        Point #1- It seems to me that the original intent behind the Part 15
Unintentional Radiator requirements was to protect licensed operators from
the "noise" generated by digital devices.  The original limits and test
methods were widely scrutinized over the years.  They have also been updated
and adjusted as necessary.  As Jim Bacher pointed out in an earlier email on
this thread, the limits and methods have been shown to protect those
licensed services from interference.  So- I'm sure the FCC will be asking:
"if it isn't broke, why fix it" (my words, not theirs!!).

        Point #2- Since data exists showing that the clamps *decrease*
emissions during a test, couldn't the use of a clamp let a product into the
market that could potential *cause* interference? (it isn't broke- but this
change may break it)

        Point #3- For as long as I can remember, if a ferrite bead is put on
a cable during testing then that *exact* cable with that *exact* ferrite
bead has to be delivered to the customer along with the product.  How does
the floor mounted ferrite get an exception to this?

        I can understand the motivation of a lab owner wanting to have
agreeable measurements with another lab.  It's good business for him to say
he can agree with any one else.  However- if the foundation for the rules is
to decrease interference problems then aren't we (the compliance community)
a little off-base on this one ?

        Maybe I'm missing some important details here.  Someone correct me
if I'm wrong...

Best Regards,

Patrick Conway  NCE

EMC Advisory Engineer
303.661.6717 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pettit, Ghery []
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 5:30 PM
To: Conway, Patrick R; Pettit, Ghery; ''
Subject: RE: Ferrite clamps


The whole reason for A1:2000 to CISPR 22:1997 was to improve repeatability
between labs.  I agree with your concern about it causing double testing for
radiated emissions from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz until all regulatory bodies
accept the ferrite clamps.  Not a good thing.  I am working through an
industry association (ITI) to get the FCC to accept them.  I've been working
on this for 2 years.  Nothing so far, other than some work in ANSI C63 that
might result in the clamps being added to C63.4, maybe in 2004.

Ghery Pettit

-----Original Message-----
From: Conway, Patrick R []
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 11:42 AM
To: 'Pettit, Ghery'; ''
Subject: RE:

Hello Ghery-

        Thank you for the information.

        To be honest, I'm not all that familiar with the CISPR voting
process but I do recognize that any election with a 1 vote margin must be a
bit contentious.  Unless of course you live in Florida where every vote
counts AT LEAST once.  There wasn't any "hanging chad" during that CISPR
vote, was there?

        But- back to A1:2000:  The data you report indicates that the
emission profile will change with the addition of the ferrite clamps.  This
is bothersome for (at least) three reasons-

        1st: if the ferrite clamp reduces the emissions from a frequency or
two then I can achieve compliance but a customer may experience an
interference problem due to the fact that they do not install the ferrite
clamp at their facility.

        2nd:  if the ferrite clamp increases emissions from a frequency then
a product that now achieves compliance may have to be redesigned in order to
pass after the DOW.

        3rd:  since the FCC doesn't presently allow the use of the ferrite
clamps then I have to test each product one more time- this adds cost and
time delay- especially if a failure arises due to this test.

        This could be a major headache for people who deliver product to
market in Europe.

        Can anyone tell us the driving reason behind this regulation?  Was
it to increase repeatability at test sites?  Was it to reduce the number of
interference complaints from ITE installations?

Best Regards,

Patrick Conway  NCE
EMC Advisory Engineer
303.661.6717 (FAX)

-----Original Message-----
From: Pettit, Ghery []
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 10:09 PM
To: Conway, Patrick R; ''
Subject: RE:


I performed some A/B comparison measurements several years ago when this was
still working its way through CISPR to aid in the determination of the US
vote.  I found that some emissions go down (some by a bunch) and others may
go up when you add the clamps.  You will need to re-test products for Europe
as you can't predict what the change will by just by inspection.

BTW, this amendment to CISPR 22 passed by 1 vote.  The US voted no as the
clamps were not adequately defined in the proposal.

Ghery Pettit

-----Original Message-----
From: Conway, Patrick R []
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 2:53 PM
To: ''


             I'd like to know if there are any opinions about...

             It is my understanding the CISPR 22 A1:2000 will require the
use of "ferrite clamps" during RE tests of table-top equipment.

                Has anyone started using these devices during their testing?
                Has anyone seen a difference in their test results with the
use of these devices?

Best Regards,

Patrick Conway  NCE
EMC Advisory Engineer
303.661.6717 (FAX)

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