Today, a message was posted that violates IEEE 
emc-pstc rules against advertising.  Here is 
our rule:


5.  Blatant or overt advertising of goods or services is not permitted.
    The listserver is provided as a service by the IEEE, whose policies
    prohibit anything that might be construed as conflict of interest.


    a)  Short, non-promotional "trailers" or signature lines for the
        sole purpose of identifying the sender and the sender's

    b)  Answers to queries about goods or services, where the intent of
        the answer is to inform, but not promote.  (When in doubt, send
        the questioner a private message.)

    c)  New or used equipment wanted, or used equipment offered for sale
        (not offered by the manufacturer).

    d)  This guideline is specific to the use of the this listserver,
        and in no way inhibits individuals from contacting members
        privately and independently.


This violation has been addressed by the list
administrators.  Action has been taken.

A copy of our rules was sent to you when you
subscribed to this listserver.  If you want a 
new copy of our rules, send an e-mail message 

and place only the following commands (2 separate 
lines) in the body of the message:

    info emc-pstc

If you want to discuss this violation, please 
contact me or Dave Heald or Ron Pickard or Jim
Bacher.  Please do not discuss this on the list-
server as this is an off-topic topic.

Best regards,

Richard Nute
IEEE emc-pstc co-administrator
c/o Hewlett-Packard Company
San Diego

Tel:     858-655-3329

This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety
Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list.

Visit our web site at:

To cancel your subscription, send mail to:
with the single line:
     unsubscribe emc-pstc

For help, send mail to the list administrators:
     Ron Pickard:    
     Dave Heald:     

For policy questions, send mail to:
     Richard Nute: 
     Jim Bacher:   

All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at:
    Click on "browse" and then "emc-pstc mailing list"

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