I read in !emc-pstc that Peter L. Tarver <peter.tar...@sanmina-sci.com>
wrote (in <nebbkemlgllmjofmopleaedbebaa.peter.tar...@sanmina-sci.com>)
about 'EN60950:2000 & EN60950-1 last dates of manufacture' on Tue, 5 Nov

>"Note 1: Generally the date of cessation of presumption of
>conformity will be the date of withdrawal (‘dow’), set by
>the European Standardisation Organisation, but attention of
>users of these standards is drawn to the fact that in
>certain exceptional cases this can be otherwise."
>I suppose this is how/why CENELEC put dates in their
>versions of EN60950 (and possibly others) in the first
>place, or perhaps Note 1 was included to accommodate
>CENELEC's  habits.  It may be that Note 1 will disappear as
>the EC has their way and older editions of standards scroll
>off the list.

The history is that originally there was just the dow determined by
CENELEC. But then the Commission's lawyers decided to justify their
existence by point out that that made the dow *regulatory*, not
*standardization* and insisted that the Commission set the docopocoss
quite independently of CENELEC. That wasn't acceptable to industry, so
the compromise was that NORMALLY the Commission will accept the dow for
the docopocoss, but formally reserves the right to set a different date.

>I am still dicing the finer points of language.  I will
>report back whatever I might find and hope that anyone with
>official and unambiguous information related to this query
>will step forward.

Exactly what is still bugging you? I would have thought that everything
in doubt or obscure had already been explained.
Regards, John Woodgate, OOO - Own Opinions Only. http://www.jmwa.demon.co.uk 
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