All -

I have received a number of responses, for which I am

As a matter of course, we must all try to act as lawyers in
pursuit of compliance.  To that end, I reviewed the
documents I had in hand [which included the CSA transition
document (which I treat as a third hand interpretation), the
LVD, the list of harmonized standards from the OJ, the Guide
to the Implementation of Directives Based on New Approach
and Global Approach, EN60950:1992 through A4 and a copy of
the Forward to EN60950:2000], prior to posting my query.
None of these provided me with a feeling of certain

As points of comparison, I offer the following citations.

>From Guide to the Implementation of Directives Based on New
Approach and Global Approach (the so-called "Blue Guide"):

“4.5. Revision of harmonised standards

“Following its internal regulations, the relevant European
standard organisation lays down the date of publication at
national level of the revised harmonised standard, and the
date of withdrawal of the old standard. The transitional
period is normally the time period between these two dates.
During this transitional period both harmonised standards
give presumption of conformity, provided that the conditions
for this are met. After this transitional period, only the
revised harmonised standard gives a presumption of

“The Commission may consider that, for safety or other
reasons, the old version of the harmonised standard must
cease giving a presumption of conformity before its date of
withdrawal, set by European standards organisation in
question. In such cases, the Commission fixes an earlier
date after which the standard will no longer give a
presumption of conformity, and publishes this information in
the Official Journal. If circumstances allow, the Commission
consults the Member States prior to taking a decision to
reduce the period during which the standard gives a
presumption of conformity.

“The reference of the revised harmonised standard, the
reference of the old harmonised standard, and the date where
the presumption of conformity of the old standard finishes
are published together in the Official Journal.”

>From EN60950:1992, Forward to A4:

“For products which have complied with EN 60950:1992 and its
amendments A1:1993, A2:1993, A3:1995 before 1998-08-01, as
shown by the manufacturer or by a certification body, this
previous standard may continue to apply for production until

You will note that there is a distinct difference in
language between the two documents.  EN60950:1992 is quite
clear, while the Blue Guide is not quite satisfying.

Other points of comparison lie in the last dates of
manufacture in the various forwards EN60950:1992 and the
right-most column from the OJ's list of harmonized standards
titled  "Date of cessation of presumption of conformity of
the superseded standard."  These dates agree completely,
though I still wished to eliminate all doubt, because of the
differences in language.  The language of the list of
harmonized standards and the Blue Guide don't explicitly
mention manufacturing and could be interpreted as the last
date a product certification could be obtained using a
standard, which is consistent with the text of the forwards
to EN60950:1992.

With the absence of similar verbiage in the forward to
EN60950:2000 and knowing that the last dates of manufacture
in EN60950:1992 occurred some time after the DOW for each
amendment, I am left desirous of certainty.  With the advent
of an additional interpretation (I say interpretation,
because I've seen nothing explicit, official and in writing
to support this) that the DOW is the last date a product may
be offered for sale, irrespective of dates of manufacturing,
what used to apply for last dates of manufacture, and that
product might be in a distribution path well prior to the
DOW, but not yet sold.

Not to disparage the value of previous postings or to doubt
the veracity of posters on the subject, but we all must take
posts to the list server with a grain of cynicism, lest we
find ourselves paddleless up a reeking creek, heading for
the rapids.  The old saw about "assume" plays a key role.

I now wish to change my query, to alleviate the irritation
some may have felt at this being "asked again": is there an
official document available that provides unambiguous
clarity defining "date of cessation of presumption of
conformity of the superseded standard," in the context of
manufacturing?  My searches on Europa, UK DTI and the
internet in general have not to date yielded useful results.


Peter L. Tarver, PE
Product Safety Manager
Sanmina-SCI Homologation Services
San Jose, CA

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