While I have not read this book, a colleague that read it commented that there
was "poor math use" in this publication (not certain what he meant).

Anyway, some references (that I have used) for
mission-critical/safety-critical s/w development: 

Code Complete by Steve McConnell 
Any book by Jack Ganssle (www.ganssle.com) 
UL 1998 (have not actually read it, but used a checklist based on this
EN 50128 
IEC 60880 
IEC 61508 
UK Defense Standard 00-56 (have not actually read it, but used a checklist
based on this standard) 


-----Original Message----- 
From: oover...@lexmark.com [ mailto:oover...@lexmark.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 4:18 AM 
To: peter merguerian 
Cc: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org 
Subject: Re: Software and Safety 


This isn't an article but it is an excellent book in the scope of your
The Amazon.com review criticized it for not being specific enough. 
Specificity was not the aim of the book. 

It provides a great overview of the challenges and approaches that one needs
to take with software controlling hardware systems.

If you want a book that tells you how to do software, this is not it. 

Safeware: System Safety and Computers 
Nancy Leveson 
Hardcover: 704 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.21 x 9.52 x 6.60 
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Pub Co; 1st edition (April 7, 1995) 
ISBN: 0201119722 

No - I do not get royalities from the sale of the book. 
I have taken a class with Ms. Levenson and listened to her speak at an
International System Safety Conference. 


peter merguerian <pmerguerian2...@yahoo.com>@majordomo.ieee.org on 
08/21/2003 11:54:07 AM 

To:    emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org 
Subject:    Software and Safety 

Dear All, 

Many of today's equipment utilizes software which is also relied for 
safety. This is true in Machinery, NEBS, Alarm Systems, Medical Systems and 
CPU cooling in many computers, etc. 

I am interested in articles and links discussing software and safety in all 
of the above and additional product categories. 


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