
I am assuming you are connecting the reference source to the calibrated meter
and to the meter to be calibrated (DUT). I am also assuming that the reference
is a variable voltage source covering the range you need to calibrate. Draw a
diagram of the system and there and list the parts and the errors. Some errors
will be systematic (known) and other errors are random. Errors:

reference source, meter, leads, added noise, and temperature, time.

Depending on what has a lower traceable uncertainty, the source or the meter,
the calibration uncertainty will revolve around that piece. Say the source is
not traceable but the meter is. Then the starting point is the uncertainty of
the meter. This is a random error. The leads affect the measurement in a
systematic way. There is the voltage drop and a thermally generated offset
voltage. The voltage drop of the leads will most likely be in the nanovolt
range. Since this is a systematic error you can add or subtract it from your
measurement as needed. Same thing with the thermal voltage- this will be in
the tens of microvolt range. Unless you are calibrating a 6-1/2 digit meter at
low voltages your calibration uncertainty becomes the uncertainty of the
calibrated meter. Is the lab in the temperature range in which the calibrated
meter spec is valid? The next part is what is the confidence level of your
calibration? Most meters do not specify if the spec is for 2 sigma, 3 sigm!
 a or what. Fluke for example, uses 2.6 sigma. So if they say the accuracy is
0.0026% then the one-sigma accuracy is 0.001%.

Now you need to decide if you need a guardband. The rule-of-thumb is if the
measurement equipment spec exceeds the spec of the gear being measured by 4X
(4:1 TUR) then no guardband is needed. If you don't have a 4:1 TUR (Test
Uncertainty Ratio) you can still do the cal but you will need guardbands. 

But enough rambling. Here is a link that says it better than I can:

   Dave Cuthbert
   Micron Technology 

From: Gordon,Ian [mailto:ian.gor...@bocedwards.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:44 AM
Subject: Measurement uncertainties for voltage measurement

This may seem to be a little out of the groups remit but someone may have
had experience of this.
I am trying to determine the measurement uncertainty associated with
calibrating an instrument which is essentially a voltmeter. This is done
using a reference voltage source and a second, calibrated voltmeter. Does
anyone have any suggestions as to possible sources of uncertainty of
measurement in this arrangement? Ideally, someone will know of an on-line
spreadsheet which I may use.
All measurements are less than 15V DC.

Ian Gordon

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