Question came up. Is there any real time correlation for some of the NEBS
endurance tests. Salt corrosion (outdoor units - GR-487) for example.? In
other words does the 200 hour test relate to 20 years real exposure to salt
fog and spray common in port cities. Same question for the Mix flow gases
and/or the hygroscopic dust tests.
    The test can be looked at one of two ways - 1) There is a direct
acceleration correlation for every hour in the chambers the equipment would
experience similar corrosion in 2 weeks of exposure if installed in a seaport
etc. 4 hours 8 weeks etc.
2) The tests may be overly harsh, but experience has shown that while not
directly relatable if the equipment withstands the various tests then it will
last at least as long as the contracted life of the equipment. Say 20 Years!
    GR-1089 and GR-63 don't seem to provide this information. Is there
somewhere else I should be looking?

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