A major error was made in that attachment.  The transfer impedance of a
current probe is not a loss.  It is a conversion factor.  Current passing
through the window yields a potential at the probe output, when loaded by
its proper termination impedance, typically 50 Ohms, or 34 dB Ohms.  That is
it.  You do not further subtract the 34 dB Ohm of the load from the
potential developed by the current probe.  So if the test set up injects 107
dBuV into 34 dB Ohms, then 73 dBuA flow in the circuit.  The current probe
output is then:

V dBuV = 73 dBuA + Zt dB Ohms,

where Zt denotes the current probe transfer impedance from the
manufacturer's curve.  End of story.

> From: scott....@jci.com
> Reply-To: scott....@jci.com
> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:48:45 -0500
> To: emc-p...@majordomo.ieee.org
> Subject: CISPR 25 Conducted Emissions (Current Method)
> All,
> One of my colleagues in town has a question that he would like to post
> here, hoping to find an answer.  If you have any thoughts, comments, or
> suggestions please reply with them, and I will forward them to him.  Also,
> feel free to email Pete Vander Wel directly (his email address is in the
> attached question sheet).
> His question: Does CISPR 25 take a 34dB difference into account in the
> tables 8 and 9 of section 6.3.4 (limits)?
> Please read the attached document that he assembled for the details.
> Thank you in advance.
> Best Regards,
> Scott Mee
> Johnson Controls Inc.
> Automotive Systems Group
> EMC Product Compliance
> 616.394.2565
> scott....@jci.com
> (See attached file: CISPR 25 Conducted Emissions.ZIP)
> (See attached file: CISPR 25 Conducted Emissions.zip)

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