Hi All, regarding this:
ANSI does require the LISNs to be calibrated in the installation it will be used, including any external power socket you may have for plugging in the EUT. We have someone come on-site to do the calibration, but it would be easier to do in-house, so it could be done at any time. I need to calibrate the 250 uH LISNs for 150 kHz to 30 MHz. Before folks jump off the deap end, be aware for the difference between calibration and verification. LISN's need to be calibrated, which means they are checked for their insertion loss, impedance etc. This is done under tightly controlled conditions. What needs to be done when a LISN is installed, is a verification that paramiters are not substantally degraded. An inplace verification is checking that when a LISN is connected to the power source, any impedances in that power source ( eg EMI Room filters ) do not change the LISN behaviour. ALSO, when a cable linking the LISN measurement port is hooked up to the measuring instrument, any component in that measurement path dos not influence the LISN. This should NOT be construed as calibration. Cheers, Derek Walton This message is from the IEEE EMC Society Product Safety Technical Committee emc-pstc discussion list. Visit our web site at: http://www.ieee-pses.org/ To cancel your subscription, send mail to: majord...@ieee.org with the single line: unsubscribe emc-pstc For help, send mail to the list administrators: Ron Pickard: emc-p...@hypercom.com Dave Heald: emc_p...@symbol.com For policy questions, send mail to: Richard Nute: ri...@ieee.org Jim Bacher: j.bac...@ieee.org All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at: http://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc