On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 09:25:33 +0200,
  <ari.honk...@nokia.com> wrote:

> While I don't usually use that standard, let me say some thoughts on this.
> 1) That's the difficult part. If your interface allow a longer
> cable, you can use an additional section of shielded cable (maybe
> some 20-30 m, or more) in series of the unshielded cable, and
> utilize the capacitive coupling from wires to shield. Shield is then
> connected to ground with suitable resistor.
> The common mode impedance is formed by the capacitance and resistor
> is series.  Long cable will make some resonance problems that need
> to be attenuated by ferrites and such. Needs tuning but finally it
> will work.
> Check first if any IEC 61000-4-6 CDN's are available, they are also
> 150 ohm devices.

Oh, well.
I misunderstood the sentense "terminated via 150 ohm" as
"terminated via a 150 ohm resistor", but I now understand
it is not what the standard says.



Tomonori Sato  <vef00...@nifty.ne.jp>
URL: http://homepage3.nifty.com/tsato/

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