Hi all In EN 61010-1 the creepage and clearance in table 4 is based on a "Voltage line to neutral". Is this a working voltage or is it just the mains supply ?
The reason I ask is that I'm involved in a switch mode PSU which have a 385 Vdc at the primary of the switch transformer. The 385 Vdc is galvanic connected to the mains and as I see it, not "a circuit derived form mains circuit". So shall I use 385 V or just 240 V for the transformer creepage and clearance ? Best regards, Kim Boll Jensen Bolls Rådgivning Ved Gadekæret 11F DK-3660 Stenløse Tlf.: 48 18 35 66 Fax: 48 18 35 30 Mobil: 22 99 69 91 E-mail: k...@bolls.dk web: www.bolls.dk - This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society emc-pstc discussion list. Website: http://www.ieee-pses.org/ To post a message to the list, send your e-mail to emc-p...@ieee.org Instructions: http://listserv.ieee.org/listserv/request/user-guide.html List rules: http://www.ieee-pses.org/listrules.html For help, send mail to the list administrators: Scott Douglas emcp...@ptcnh.net Mike Cantwell mcantw...@ieee.org For policy questions, send mail to: Jim Bacher: j.bac...@ieee.org David Heald: emc-p...@daveheald.com All emc-pstc postings are archived and searchable on the web at: http://www.ieeecommunities.org/emc-pstc