In message 
dated Mon, 6 Mar 2006, "Speakman, Jim" <> 
>Am interested in the possibility of adventitious output of X-Radiation 
>from high voltage sources, in this particular instance, magnetrons 
>operating at around 8 kV.

>Two questions:
>1.  Does anybody know whether there is a level of x-radiation produced 
>at these sorts of power levels that could conceivably generate a health 
>hazard (.e.g, in excess of 7.5 micro Sieverts/hour at about 0.5 m from 
>the source)

For TV sets, it's often taken that you need 30 kV to have an X-ray 
issue. But it depends on the materials on to which the electrons impact. 
Heavy metals are not good news.

Also, be careful about limits. There are many different limits in force, 
expressed in different units. It's quite a problem.
>2.  Can anybody identify an appropriate device with which to survey and 
>accurately measure the output of x-radiation from such sources ????

There is a device for testing TV sets that may be suitable, but I don't 
know who makes it. There used to be a list available under the CB 
scheme, of special test equipment.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
2006 is YMMVI- Your mileage may vary immoderately.

John Woodgate


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