> -----Original Message----- 
> From: ejearnst [ mailto:ejear...@accuray.com] 
> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 5:10 PM 
> To: emc-p...@ieee.org 
> Subject: RE: Off Subject - Load Rating of Wood Blocks 
> Hi, 
> As an ex-nuclear submariner, one of the neatest things I've 
> seen is a submarine in a dry dock with only a row of blocks 
> down the centerline holding it up.  The blocks were made of oak... 
> http://www.arco.navy.mil/build.htm 

> Eric 

Those scenes are also a testament to the accuracy of the hull construction.
Designing the hull is one task, but since a vessel usually needs to be hauled
during its usable life (hull cleaning, inspection, systems upgrades, battle
damage), the designers other big task is to specify the cradle needed for a
dry-dock. I find it interesting that the cradle builders are using flexible
steel tape rulers to measure the block positions, so perhaps the tolerance of
the blocks is +/- 1/8"?

Ed Price 
ed.pr...@cubic.com                   WB6WSN 
NARTE Certified EMC Engineer & Technician 
Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab 
Cubic Defense Applications 
San Diego, CA USA 
858-505-2780 (Voice) 
858-505-1583 (Fax) 
Military & Avionics EMC Is Our Specialty 

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