I prefer running the test the way you describe, for better repeatability.
However, the standard test setup includes a 6dB attenuator at the input of the
EM clamp (or CDN) and the resulting increase in the return loss due to the
attenuator would tend to mask some of the effect of EUT impedance change,
would it not? I've always wondered about that same effect from radiated tests
with an antenna balun that is not efficient, just how accurate would the
reflected power reading be with a crappy antenna balun and non-resonant
antenna? (like most of the hybrid antennas at 26 MHz)  :-)
Bob Richards, NCT.

"Kunde, Brian" <> wrote:

Can a directional coupler be used between the amp and the clamp to measure the
forward power during the calibration test, then with the clamp connected to
the EUT, re-level on your calibration points to match the forward power? 
Would this compensate for the impedance difference in the EUT? This is a
similar method used for radiated immunity to adjust for impedance differences
between the antenna and the field affected by the EUT.
The Other Brian

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