Here’s a different take on interpretation.


EN 60065 applies to mains (non-portable equipment) as defined in cl. 1.1.1., 
Scope. It also applies to equipment powered by other means but that’s outside 
the scope of this discussion.


Cl. 3.1, General Requirements [for safety] calls “a new method of measurement 
is described in” EN 50332-1 and EN 50332-2.


I interpret this as EN 60065 is calling the 'methods of measurement' described 
IN EN 50332-1, -2 to be applied to all products within the scope of EN 60065. 
It is ‘borrowing’ a test method from another standard, even though that 
standard does not directly apply to the all the equipment within the scope of 
EN 60065.


Surely, if in principle, sound pressure is a potential safety hazard, then it 
should be considered a hazard in all relevant equipment. I can understand a a 
test lab or notified body erring on the most cautious interpretation of the 


I’m not convinced they’re wrong, but I’m not convinced they’re right either. 
Depends which side of the fence you’re on. I have no interest either way and am 
sitting uncomfortably astride that proverbial fence.




        ----- Original Message -----

        From: John Woodgate

        Sent: 07/13/11 06:09 PM


        Subject: Re: [PSES] EN50332-2

        In message 
        dated Wed, 13 Jul 2011, "McInturff, Gary" 
        >I'd check the referenced standards to see if EN60065 is called out in 
        >the main standard as well. 
        EN 60065 calls up EN 50332-1 and -2, but only for products within  
        scopes, of course. 
        OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and 
        John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK 
        When I point to a star, please look at the star, not my finger. The 
star will be more interesting. 
        This message is from the IEEE Product Safety Engineering Society 
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