Greetings all!


I am interested in the forums collective experience on the degree of ESD
required by HDMI/USB and eSata interfaces given that:

1)      The pins are recessed and

2)      The I/O has a shielded cable.


I see two scenarios: First : - discharge to the I/O pins – either on the
product connector or
on the cable connector (with the cable attached to the product).  It seems to
me that a discharge from a 
users finger to a pin will be difficult to achieve as the field will tend to
“jump” to the outer shell of the connector. 


Second : - electrostatic induction on the cable i.e. a user takes the cable
out of the bag and induces a charge
on the cable. In this case the predominant field distribution will be
contained on the cable shield. So when the cable is
offered to the product any discharge will jump again to the cable shield.


What’s not clear to me is the esd level  induced on the i/o pins as a result
of the external discharge and hence my inquiry.




Best Regards
Charles Grasso
Compliance Engineer
Echostar Communications
(w) 303-706-5467
(c) 303-204-2974
(t) <> 
(e) <> 

(e2) <> 


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