In message 
 >, dated Thu, 4 Dec 2008, writes:

>      Still I see variation in the results between the testing on any 2 
>days for the same piece of device with same support equipment. And 
>testing the same set up in another lab puzzled me many times. 
>Frequencies appearing in one lab will not be seen in the other, level 
>will differ more than 10 dB at same frequency between the labs, both 
>the labs are accredited.

Ssssh! We don't talk about such things. This is, after all, the Century 
of the Emperor's New Clothes, and not only as regards EMC. (;-)

However, provided we never let the metrologists know, we can carry on 
using procedures that actually have a remarkable level of uncertainty, 
simply because they work in practice. The ultimate, and only real, test 
of an EMC measurement method and the associated limit(s) is that they 
result in an acceptably low level of field complaints of interference 
due to the phenomenon concerned.
OOO - Own Opinions Only. Try and
Either we are causing global warming, in which case we may be able to stop it,
or natural variation is causing it, and we probably can't stop it. You choose!
John Woodgate, J M Woodgate and Associates, Rayleigh, Essex UK


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