In message <FCA549BE3ECF9D4CB8CB8576837EA4890A7259@ZEUS.cetest.local>, 
"ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen" <> 
>I have personally been involved  in measuring
>over 40 amps of neutral conductor (@150 Hz) current
>in a building stuffed with ITE equipment,
>where only 10-16 A rms per phase was
>measured.  The neutral conductor was a
>1.5 mm2 wire, and the phase conductors
>were 2.5 mm2
>So I assure you that harmonics can be hazardous if ignored.

Yes: the neutral current can exceed 208 times the phase current in a 
3-phse system feeding only SMPS without power factor correction.
>To John:
>? Limiting apparent power requirements?
>Right and ?harmonics current? is another way of saying that.
>? the I^2R losses represent an economic loss to the industry, but the 
>supply industry experts say it is not a significant issue?
>But I personally would be more than happy getting paid the 
>insignificant amount of
>money lost by I^2R losses !!! ;<))

>A IGBT costing less than 5 dollars per phase is able to control
>a load of 10 kW easily at say 5 or 10 kHz.
>It is not even difficult to have a power factor of 1 with the right
>Topology.  You will need large inductors to smooth out
>the switching frequency or active power factor correction
>circuits that at a nominal current level of 10-20% of the
>mains current to be corrected, are able to smooth all
>current irregularities, so a pure sinus current in phase
>with the mains is consumed.
>The power loss is about 0.5 % of the corrected power stream
>as the injected current is out of phase in the opposite way
>as the harmonics of the main power  stream, and as these
>devices are also switched, and have an efficiency  of
>90% or better.

Products like that are already on the market. But some other products 
don't have an economic technology that eliminates harmonic emissions.
This is my travelling signature, adding no superfluous mass.
John M Woodgate


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