In message 
com>, Clif Brick <> writes
>In your judgment, relative to the ECO design directive in the EU, 
>specifically to the power supply regulation, is the following an ITE 
>equipment?   To be clear I'm only asking about the ECO design directive 
>and supply efficiency regulations that go into force on the 27th.

A VERY long time ago the Irish National Standards Committee asked 
CENELEC formally whether a washing machine containing  a microprocessor 
was ITE or not. The answer was that 'function determines the standards 
that apply'. Washing machines have to conform to the standards for 
washing machines.

This ruling applies to EMC and safety: it may have been overlooked when 
other Directives were drafted. For your product, the 'function' is not 
to process information but to control access to premises.
This is my travelling signature, adding no superfluous mass.
John M Woodgate


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