I shifted from neutral to reverse once, while going about 60mph forward.
(Non-intentional, I must add). It actually went into reverse. The rear tires
locked up, but I was able to quickly shift back to neutral and coasted to a
stop on the side of the road. I expected to see transmission fluid leaking
out, a bent drive shaft, etc. Nothing wrong. Cranked back up and continued on
my way. This was in a Plymouth Arrow (I believe it was a Mitsubishi product),
circa 1980.
Bob R.

--- On Wed, 2/17/10, McInturff, Gary <gary.mcintu...@esterline.com> wrote:

        Oh transmission aren't all that invulnerable. I thought it was
        impossible to get a transmission into part while doing about 60. An old
        girlfriend proved me wrong about that - *(*#REN#Y$I&243()(@$)(@!!
        Anybody want some smooth gears and a pile of scrap metal
        Gary McInturff
        208 635 8306


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